Let us be apart of your surprise celebration!

Refund Policies:

  1. If you must cancel your booking within 48 hours, you can choose to receive half of your booking rate as a refund, or you may leave the full amount on credit for a future booking date, based on our availability to be used within 13 months.

  2. Hype Yards reserves the right to politely decline orders that are political, controversial, lewd, disrespectful or that do not fit the celebratory nature of our business. Hype Yards locations are independently owned and revising requested wording or declining orders is done so at the owner's discretion. If an order is declined, a full refund will be given.

  3. In the event of bad weather, we may not be able to set up lawn displays. Bad weather includes heavy rain, lightning/thunderstorms, hurricanes, high winds and any other Act of God that would put our team or your lawn at risk.

  4. No refunds will be given due to wrong address given by customer, after contact attempts go unreceived.

  5. No refunds will be given due to the homeowner requesting us to remove the lawn display.

  6. No refunds will be given due to being denied access to a gated community, after contact attempts go unreceived.

  7. No refunds will be given due to any animals that prevent the display from being set up.

  8. No refunds will be given for circumstances that prevent us from setting up the display, that are out of our control, including home owner associations. We begin installing greetings around 8:00 PM the evening before your event, or 6 am the morning of and will pick up in 24 hours of installation.